I was reading Philippians 1, where Apostle Paul commented:
"...according to my earnest expectation and hope...
It was a key phrase for me, because I was challenged to consider this statement for the moment I am living in.
What are my earnest expectations and hope?
What did I do one year ago?
Looking back, I am astounded because the Lord:
"had done exceedingly abundantly, above all I asked and hoped for, according to the power that works within me." (see Eph. 3:20).
By the providence of the Lord, I was able to travel to Europe once again. I left the United States to minister abroad. Two conferences and many meetings later, I marvel at how the Lord touched people's life in an intimate and fresh way. I never grow tired of watching what our Father has for each individual, He encounters.
His love is unfailing, unending, everlasting and unconditional.
My heart rejoices in Him and His glory.
He touched and delivered a woman, who suffered from insomnia for decades. She was able to sleep a whole night through for the first time in decades. She suffered tremendously, but now it is over.
Jesus delivered people from addictions, set them free from fear and anxiety, healed their physical body and heart, healed emotions and release of aches and pains. Many encountered His presence for the first time and gave their hearts to Jesus. Others returned to their first love, Jesus, and were overwhelmed by His magnificent presence.
Some were set free from demonic forces and are able to pursue the Lord fervently once again. Hope arose in those who have battled hopelessness. Gifts were stirred up for the glory of God and others are walking in their calling.
I had the joy to ordain a Pastor in Jacksonville, FL, who has seen God's hand upon her mightily.
Touching people in the nations with the presence and glory of the Lord is such an overwhelming, marvelous and profound privilege. I never stop being amazed at how the Lord opens up doors!
Someone asked me: "How is your ministry going?" I hesitated to answer. How can I assess or determine, if the "ministry" is successful. How can I judge this? My conviction has always been, not to compare myself with anyone else, and to be an ambassador for Jesus:
"My food is to do the will of the Father."
My focus is to please Him and to lay hold or apprehend that which He has apprehended me for. Endeavoring to remain in the Light as He is in the Light and to have sweet fellowship with Him and with others in the kingdom of God.
Success is to be the part God has called me to be in building His kingdom. It is seeing others soaring high in Him and to walk in their calling, all the while being passionate about Him.
I pray, your heart is filled with His passion and love. Your eyes enlightened and opened to see what He has for you. Being given a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of HIM.
Gabriele Gilpin