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Golden Nuggets


You are invited on a journey of discovering profound GOLDEN NUGGETS of wisdom through Divine Revelations.  Seemingly small pebbles of truth can turn into gold as we receive them and apply them to our everyday life. In my vision, I was shown pebbles in the shallow water running out of the River of Life and I was to pick up those pebbles. As I did, they actually turned into nuggets of gold! Those nuggets of gold turned out to be Words of Knowledge and Words of Wisdom.   Throughout this book you will find yourself picking up pebbles that have turned into Golden Nuggets blessing you with divine insight for situations you might be encountering. The motivation and passion behind releasing Golden Nuggets is Gabriele’s heart desire to share whatever wisdom she can to others, so that they can learn and glean from her journey and accelerate their own growth by applying them. 

Blazing Fire of the Father's Love



An inspiration came and it ignited a burning desire to pen down a daily devotional on the Father’s Great Love. This was designed for a duration of 14 days and this daily devotional can be done any time ~ whenever someone desires to stir up passion for the ONE, Who is LOVE and SPIRIT.


Join me on this delightful daily devotional! 

Impact through Fresh Insight




Devotional book... seeking the Lover of our Soul, a closer walk with Him.
IMPACT through FRESH INSIGHT - The word INSIGHT means revelation, awareness, understanding and discerning. When the Lord gives us FRESH INSIGHT, we receive revelation and understanding and there will be an IMPACT in lives, regions, cities as we release His Word and Wisdom.


Here's the question. "How do we develop and maintain a passionate, intimate, lasting bond with You, Lord?" A spiritual Awakening is about to take place. We can abide in Him and enter into His Rest. 


Embark on this 21 Day Focus for Fresh Insight and an Awakening of Passion and consecrate yourself to the Lord!

For Heaven's Sake ~
Awake, Arise and Shine


In this hour the world is becoming darker and more evil is released every day. Many tragedies are shaking the nations and people are desperately looking for answers. Both light and darkness will increase at the same time. (Isaiah 60:1) We have the privilege to carry the Glory of God, His Presence, in earthen vessels as a treasure and we point people to Jesus.
Here is what you will discover: *AWAKE out of spiritual slumber
*ARISE to new life in Christ   *SHINE with God's glory and splendor
*Prophecy to the Four Winds and more..

As the army of God is uniting and arising, Great Awakenings are happening all over the globe to bring in the End-time Harvest. In the past, we have had Great Awakenings some lasted a while, others were short lived, but the Great Awakening to come will be sustained all the way until Jesus will return. 
It’s time to wake up and put an end to spiritual sluggishness. Wake up, arise and be fitly joined with those you are assigned to.

Delight in the Father of Glory


A seven-lesson Bible Study for Discipleship.


The goal of this booklet is not to teach a lesson but to apply truth to our lives. It is designed for individual or group discipleship and discussion. When Jesus called His disciples, He gave a brief invitation and then turned and started to walk away. After His invitation it was up to the “called out ones” to follow Him, actually delighting in taking up their cross daily (see Luke 9:23). 

My expectation is that this booklet will be a launching pad into new adventures and journeys with the Father; changing and transforming you forever! I encourage you to partner with someone else, or do this together as a church, home group or youth group.

Spread your Wings and Soar Journal


Today, the God of the universe, whose name is Jesus Christ, desires to speak with you and He is after a “face to face” encounter.  He wants a revelation birthed in your heart about beholding Him face to face.  The word “face” is the same word as “presence” throughout the Old Testament. It also means, “A turning of the face towards.”  Therefore, when God’s manifest presence is in a place, it signifies that He has turned His face towards you.


It is really quiet simple.  The Father is beckoning: “Come up here” and He will show you the mysteries of heaven and His Kingdom (see Revelation 4:1). Therefore, allow yourself to be caught up in the unfolding mysteries of the Kingdom, open your heart to Him and soar with Him among the secrets and discover hidden treasures that have been prepared just for you. 

Soaring Eagle School of the Spirit I


Throughout the pages of this SOARING EAGLE SCHOOL OF THE SPIRIT I Guide, 
the focus will be mainly on equipping and training with the main focus on the 
Kingdom of God, starting with a firm foundation teaching.

The chapters are about:

Foundation of Faith....Maturing - It's Time to Grow Up...
Motivational Gifts....Gifts of the Holy Spirit..
Fruit of the Holy Spirit...The Five Fold Ministry..Vision Casting

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