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Dear Ones,

Last Tuesday evening at midnight I returned from the ministry trip to Haiti. It was a very powerful time with miracles, signs and wonders. Salvations, deliverance, healing and a time of consecration. Many stood up receiving boldness to stand for Christ and to have no other gods, nor idols before the Only True God, Jesus Christ! No graven images to bow down to, but to bow down and humbling themselves to the Father God! We will never be the same again! Witnessing His Holy Spirit and power of might and celebrating Jesus Christ, Our King! During the ministry trip to Haiti from Nov. 29-Dec. 4th, my green card (US document for legal resident aliens), credit card, money, etc. disappeared when I first arrived in Haiti. I knew it was going to be impossible to reenter the US without it. So, I sat before the Lord and asked Him what I should do. Since I knew I needed to go to the US embassy the next morning I did, escorted by two Christian men. I was told to fill out papers and fulfill several things before I could return Monday morning. All the paperwork and the $575 I was asked to pay in order to file a new application was going to take longer than my time there in Haiti and since my credit card vanished, I did not have the finances to do all they asked me to do. So, I asked others to pray and I went before the Lord again and He showed me where I lost the card and that He was going to take care of it. I only had to focus on "Seeking His Kingdom first and His righteousness and all these things are going to be added to me". Hallelujah. Jesus said He is my husband and He will take care of me. Therefore, since I had a sure word from the Lord and three witnessing words from Prophetic Intercessors, I ignored all of the well meaning people to do the things the US embassy asked me to do and just preached and ministered during the crusade and meetings, hence doing His will first and foremost. Well, praise the Lord, four days later an email came to let me know the airline has my green card and it is waiting for me at the airport in Haiti! Glory to God! It has served as a great testimony on how the Lord takes care of His children!!! It was not only about getting into the US this time, but if I would have to apply for a new green card it would have cost me around $1500 and the most important part, I would have to wait up to one year until I would receive my new green card, which would have meant I would have been grounded in the US and would have not been able to travel overseas. BUT MY GOD IS GREATER! HALLELUJAH! No fear of paperwork or visas….no more, because we belong to GOD'S Kingdom that will never change and never diminish, but it is increasing and my citizenship is in Heaven. PERIOD! Celebrate Jesus with me as we are looking towards Him and Him alone! During the three night crusade many came to worship the Lord and the praise and worship by the Haitian brethren was amazing! They are truly in love with the Lord. It was broadcast all around the place, many non believers came and listened to the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Each day after the morning meetings/conference everyone present were fed a meal for three days. The Lord provides a feast spiritually and physically for His children. Watching the orphans growing up and now doing worship and other things for Christ is such a blessing! Please, continue to pray for them and what the Lord is doing in the nation of Haiti. I received Amos 9:11-15 and it was clear that it is for Haiti (vs. 13)..the plowman overtaken the reaper - I saw the mouth of God over Haiti releasing His Word, fountain of life, gushing out of Him, river of Life going every where and cleansing the land and restoring the waste places! While in Haiti, I saw the Angel Army being released from heaven and stationed on the mountains and all around the nation. They are here now and repelling the enemies' forces - so freedom/deliverance can come - Daniel 12:1... at that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people! When I spoke the Lord released a word of deliverance and a call to have no other gods or idols before Him, a call to stand up boldly and to be consecrated to the Lord. The Lord's influence upon those who consecrated themselves was evident. I also saw the ax was put to the roots of those trees not planted by the Lord and removed - so that the trees of righteousness are flourishing in Haiti. Declaring freedom and liberty and I saw the Spirit of Might released and God's fire was present - a deep unearthing was done. On the last night of meetings the worship/praise was electrifying and the children of God danced with complete abandonment to Him! Many received impartation and deliverance and the fire of God! It's Harvest time for Haiti! The second day there I was literally connecting with the God-given rhythm of this nation and to be united with God's destiny in the land - speaking to the land and creation to come alive and to awaken in Christ! ****The book "Impact through Fresh Insight" in French was given out to the leaders and others....below some photos. For His Glory, Gabriele Gilpin Soaring Eagle Ministries, Inc.

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