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Writer's pictureGabriele Gilpin

Trip to North Africa



Leaving the sounds, fragrances and sights behind as I am embarking on the plane to Florida via Madrid, Spain, I am aware of the pulling and tucking on my heart.

Why is my heart torn about returning home versa staying in a place, where it is a challenge, to stand for Him?

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

We are those chosen people and we are ambassadors for Christ. We have been called out of darkness by Jesus and into His marvelous light. We can see clearly now and the veil has been lifted. Others though, have not had this kind of experience yet, and we are armed with the love of God to

reveal to others Who He truly is...

In Northern Africa, it is very evident, that there is a separation between those who are following Jesus Christ and those who are not. As our team went to an Orphanage, a Rehab Center and a Girl's school, much prayer and intercession was done and much love was given to babies and young people, and even to some more mature ones. Generational blessings were pronounced over the children.

A mandate to praise Him, to worship Him and to declare the Kingdom of God was strongly implanted into my heart, even before I went. One can be a Christian with supposedly freedom of religion in these nations, but when one tries to convert a Muslim, prison sentence is awaiting.

About three years ago all missionaries where thrown out of the nation and orphanages were

closed. Five of the eight underground church leaders have left their leadership position. Now three are doing the job of eight. But there is a rumbling going on deep in people's hearts and the Christians are becoming more hungry and desperate to worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

I had the privilege to visit a Kingdom training center, and to pray for and with them, as well as releasing the Word of the Lord and to prophecy. The declaration has been for the dry bones to come alive. That this move of God and those, who are being equipped and trained in this center, will spread and affect all the nations of North Africa. Many will go from here to neighboring nations to proclaim the love of God. Where there has been rich darkness, now instead, their Light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon them!

I was asked to return and equip, train and release the women of faith, as well as teaching and praying for deliverances. In short, anything and everything that is needed to prepare and equip them.

During this trip Christians were blessed financially, spiritually and physically. One leader, who was flying to Paris to go to a hospital, was prayed for and I laid hands on her and now I am expecting a complete healing of cancer.

Much has been done and will be done for the glory of God. By seeing and agreeing with the Father's direction, everlasting fruit is brought forth for the glory of God.

I met and befriended a university teacher, who speaks German, and four of his students while

having a cup of tea. Precious people and a wonderful conversation ..then they invited us to see the teacher's flat (apartment). Besides this connection, we also made friends with several younger ladies in a beauty shop. We were invited to come to the hair dresser's home for Couscous. Most of them seemed interested in what we had to say and the scarves, some ladies here in Jacksonville prayed for, were given to them.

Thank you ladies for giving and praying! Thank you IHOP-Jax for the intercession and everyone else, who was part of this.

The bracelets, that were prayed for, went to various women and some to sister's in the Lord. Much joy, laughter and singing echoed in the halls while we visited a girl's home.

A family invited the team into their home as gifts were given to them and they received prayer in the name of Jesus,

which is a major breakthrough! The wife said, she has been waiting to be visited by someone just like this. A bag full of clothes and some goodies with much of God's love opened the door to the hearts of many families...


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